Why you need a travel outlet on your trip
Are you traveling with others? Or do you bring a lot of things that need to be plugged in and charged up nightly? I am gonna let you in on a must have item you need to travel with… the travel outlet.
Whether you’re traveling alone or with other people, there never seems to be enough outlets where you are staying. With the way our world is now, everything needs to be charged: your phone, camera, power banks, tablet, computer (if you’re bringing one). All of these things need to be charged regularly. Usually there are four total outlets and if you are traveling with others, that is definitely not enough. If you are traveling on your own, that may be enough, but it may not be depending on what you bring.
One of the things that I highly recommend that you bring with you is a multi plug travel outlet. I have used two different kinds. They are both good, but they do have differences.
These travel outlets give you so many more outlets and options so you, and everyone, can plug in and charge up for the night. One thing that you may not know is if you bring a device that requires a three prong plug, not all places have a three prong outlet. So you’ll basically be up a creek and won’t be able to charge that device.
The first travel outlet is the Berkin. I really did like it but there were a couple problems with it. I liked that it had three outlets and on the top had two USB outlets. Now the unfortunate thing is that this device needs a three prong outlet. Because of this it didn’t always fit to the outlets that I had available to me so it was useful and not useful. Next, I purchased this travel outlet by UpWade. This one uses USB ports as the majority outlet, which is what we really need more often than not. It has four USB ports and one three prong outlet (the new model has two). Now the cord is great, because it’s just a two prong cord. It unravels so that if an outlet is in the far corner of a room and you want to be on your device while it is charging and not be stuck sitting in the corner, you can. These travel outlets are also great for the airport. If you need to charge at the airport and all the plugs are used by other people, you can basically switch one of the cords to plug into your outlet and plug your outlet into the wall. This way you and others have more options to plug in. BUT, before you do this, make sure you ask the person who is plugged into the wall, because people get very protective of their equipment.
I highly recommend you bring a travel outlet the next time you take a trip. If there is a group of you, two of you might want to bring one and then everyone can all charge at the same time. Purchasing one of these will save you a ton of time figuring out how you’re going to charge everything for the next day on all your future trips, plus they are light and compact enough to not take up much room in your bag. Are you thinking about taking a trip? Covid-19 can make things a little more confusing. To help your travels during Covid-19 make sure you get your free copy of our Travel During Covid-19 Guide here.
It did have a cool ability to turn the prongs to a different position so you could adjust the fit of where the outlet was. The downside to this was it is super hard to turn, and mine eventually got stuck in a weird position. So again useful but not useful.