Top 6 things to do in Bangkok

Top 6 Things to do in Bangkok

Bangkok has an endless supply of things to do. You will not be at a loss for things to do, but you may be at a loss of what to actually do here. I want to give you some of the things that should be on your list. They all are not be what is typical on other lists, but will give you an insight to the culture here.

Roof Top Bars

Bangkok is home to a plethora of Rooftop bars. You could go to a different one everyday of your trip and still have more to see. You can even go to the one that was featured in The Hangover 2, which is Sky Bar.


Café culture is huge in Thailand. I think they my have more café’s than back home, but the difference here is the themed café’s. We may have a plethora of Starbucks and the likes, which they also have there, but checking out the cool and unique café’s here is definitely something that should be on your list. One of my favourites is Sretsis Parlour…a complete whimsical and dreamy place.

Shopping Malls

Shopping malls are also a huge culture thing here. There is a shopping mall for anything that you may want, or didn’t know you wanted. There are themed malls, ones that have themed floors, and ones that go on and on and on for what seems like forever. Not only will it get you out of the humidity and into air conditioning but it will give you insight into new styles. Also they have Amazing food courts as well as actual restaurants in some of them.


You can’t come to Thailand and not see any temples. There are hundreds of temples just in Bangkok, so you have your work cut out for you.  Haha. Research the different temples here and go to the ones that speak to you. Make sure you wear proper clothing, covering your legs and shoulders, as the bigger ones will not let you in without this. Be aware that you will also need to remove your shoes, they have an area to put your shoes, but I sometimes brought mine with me and stuck them in my backpack.


Food in Thailand is divine! There is so much choice you are spoiled. I do recommend that you do have street food as well as going out to restaurants.  Street food is where it is at though…look for busy stalls with lots of turn over. If you are unsure what you would eat here, know that you can get any type of food, American, Italian, etc. You have Michelin stared restaurants, award winning chefs and grandmas that have been perfecting their dishes over their lifetime. Try as many different things as you can.

Weird and Unusual

Bangkok is no stranger to weird and unusual. There are all sorts of neighbourhoods, streets, museums and spectacles.  To start your research in what is available I would head to Atlas Obscura’s Bangkok page. You can also Google search to see what bloggers have found, and when here you can’t miss a ladyboy show. They are fabulous!

I hope these suggestions help you with some different ideas on what to see on your trip to Bangkok. Jump on the back of a motorbike taxi to get you places fast while feeling exhilarated, or order a Grab (S.E Asia’s equivalent to Uber) to get you around with no language barrier.  Get out and explore this crazy, busy, packed city.

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