Top 3 Travel Planning Tips for a Less Stressful Trip
Traveling can be very stressful, but if you plan your trip correctly your stress will dissipate. To enjoy your time while away, I’m going to share a few of my favourite travel planning tips.
Travel Planning Tip #1
Plan your days away
Now, I don’t mean to plan your trip down to the minute…that becomes way more stressful because if you run late on something, all the rest of the plans have a domino effect and everything becomes late. You want to have a running list of the things that you want to do. Some things you’ll need to pre-book but outside of those things, have your list of things broken up into your “must do”, “nice to do” and “if there’s time” items. This way you can add in and decide day to day what you wanna do next.
Travel Planning Tip #2
Plan to have downtime