Top 3 Travel Planning Tips for a Less Stressful Trip
Traveling can be very stressful, but if you plan your trip correctly your stress will dissipate. To enjoy your time while away, I’m going to share a few of my favourite travel planning tips.
Travel Planning Tip #1
Plan your days away
Now, I don’t mean to plan your trip down to the minute…that becomes way more stressful because if you run late on something, all the rest of the plans have a domino effect and everything becomes late. You want to have a running list of the things that you want to do. Some things you’ll need to pre-book but outside of those things, have your list of things broken up into your “must do”, “nice to do” and “if there’s time” items. This way you can add in and decide day to day what you wanna do next.
Travel Planning Tip #2
Plan to have downtime
I used to always feel really guilty not doing anything in new places. I felt like I should be seeing everything I could and be going, going, going all the time. But this kind of travel will backfire because you’ll become super exhausted, a little grumpy and just burnt out. I am now of the mind to slow down and include downtime. Determine how you are getting to your accommodations To get your trip started on the right foot, I would highly recommend you determine how you’re going to get from the airport to your accommodations prior to leaving on your trip. Once you get off the plane and collect your luggage, you’ll probably be tired and everything will be a little foreign. When you have pre-planned and decided how you’re going to get to your accommodations, things will run a lot smoother.
When you plan how to get to your accommodations, your trip starts off with less stress than if you didn’t know how you are going to get there and trying to piece it together at the airport. When you are ready to plan your trip, you want to have my FREE TRAVEL CHECKLIST in hand to ensure nothing goes wrong on your trip. Inside I go over the TOP 10 things you should do before you go on your trip. Grab your FREE TRAVEL CHECKLIST HERE.
What I mean when I say downtime are things that make you feel a part of the city. Sit down in a cafe, go grab a picnic in the park, enjoy walking around with no destination and not doing anything in particular. These are the types of downtime I mean and I find them super important when traveling. You’re still exploring but you’re not having to actually do something. It’s a way more enjoyable time plus it gives you a chance to breathe in the experience that you’re actually in the place that you’ve dreamed about.
Travel Planning Tip #3
There are a number of ways to determine the best way for you to get to your accommodations. No matter what type of accommodation you’ve booked, ask them what the best way to get to their accommodations is from where you are arriving.
If they suggest a taxi, ask them roughly how much the taxi should cost, so you don’t get unnecessarily scammed.
You can also pre-book a private car in some airports. This is a great and relaxing way to arrive after a long travel day. This way someone else is there to take care of everything. This doesn’t have to be an expensive option, so look to see if there are inexpensive private cars you can book.
Incorporate these tips into your trip plans and you will find less stress on your unforgettable trip.