The travel app you need

The Travel App You Need to Have

One of the best travel apps I use on a consistent basis while travelling, and even when not travelling, just in the planning stage, is one that you can download for free!

When you are heading somewhere where you have to deal in a different currency, it is hard to remember what the exchange rate is. You want to know this information to keep you inside your budget so you don’t come home having spent way more than you expected.

The XE Exchange currency exchange travel app is the easiest and best one I have found. When you are connected to wifi or data it continuously updates. You are able to see up to 10 different currencies of your choice at one time, you can do calculations, and you can also use it offline by saving the rate. The rate that it gives you is a middle of the road exchange rate taken from the buying and selling of the currency.

I made a video, found here, on how to use the app to help you navigate it. When out and about I find I don’t always want to pull my phone out to check the app every time I buy something. To make calculations easy to remember and do quick estimates, I round the exchange rate up to the nearest “dollar”. This way I can calculate in my head, pretty quickly, how much something is going to be in my home currency.

To give you an example, while in Thailand the currency would fluctuate anywhere between 22-24 Bhat to $1 CDN. I would round it up to 25 Baht in my head, the easiest to calculate, and then I knew if something was 100 Baht I would be paying roughly $4 CDN for it. For bigger things I would use the app for calculating, cause why use all that brain power when you can just open the app!

This app is great when you are visiting a few different countries all using different currencies. You can have all the currencies on one screen and you are able to easily switch back and forth.

I highly recommend you download the app, check out my video and learn how to use it BEFORE you leave. This way you will have a much easier time remembering how much you are actually spending…that is if you want to know 😉

Before you take your trip, check out my Travel Checklist to ensure nothing goes wrong. Get your FREE copy here.

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