Travel after Covid19, Launch Your Travels

The smartest way to travel after COVID-19

The world is forever changed. COVID-19 has changed the world and once the dust settles, I hope that our new world rebuilds into a better place.

It has not been the easiest thing for a lot of people to not travel, to stay in once place, to have lockdowns, and have their work changed into something new. Our world had gotten very use to moving around whenever and wherever we want. We go on trips, visit family, visit new places, explore within our own countries or further abroad. It was exciting and new.

But now, what was exciting about travelling is more nerve racking to think about. Yes, some of us may glaze over these things and instead think about getting outta here, exploring somewhere new and “relaxing” somewhere other than where you live.

The way we take trips in the future needs to be looked at with a different lens. Being in big groups, near loads of people you don’t know is not going to be a lot of people’s cup of tea. One of the areas in travel I believe will shift is choosing to travel independently.

I think the smartest thing you can do in your post covid travels is to travel independently. With independent travel you get to decide everything. You determine who you travel with…your spouse, family, friends or solo.  You decide were to go and when to visit attractions so it is not at the height of busyness. You decide if you are not comfortable somewhere that you can change your plans. The power of knowing that you don’t have to be stuck in an uncomfortable situation nor feel judged about it can make you look differently at future trips.

The freedom of choice and the ability to still explore different areas is what sets independent travel apart from other types of trips. Independent travel also hits you less in the wallet.  You can fully stay within your budget, no matter what it is. Being able to decide how to spend your travel dollars makes it much more enjoyable. If you are someone who wants the emphasis to be on your accommodations you can budget more money there and adjust other areas, or if you want to focus on the incredible food, you can put more money in your food budget than other areas. You get to decide your outcomes of your trip.

Now I realize that travelling independently doesn’t come naturally for everyone. It can quickly become overwhelming when you haven’t travelled like this before, or haven’t done it in awhile. When you know how to create your dream trip, it stops the overwhelm, will save you money and you’ll know the best way to create your itinerary.  I can help you do this.

First you want to make sure you get your FREE Vacation Blueprint Starter Kit which shows you step by step on how to put together your itinerary and start the planning process. From there, check out my online courses that will set you up for trip success or contact me and we can do it together. Even though you may not be travelling right now, now is the perfect time to be planning your trip, dreaming of it and learning how to do everything so when the world opens up again, you are ready to start exploring.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me. I want to help you get on the right track for when you decide to get back to travelling. It should be an exciting and inspiring time, not a fear filled chore that you fear.

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