Staying safe solo travelling

Staying Safe As A Solo Traveler

When you set out as a solo traveler, safety is usually near the top of your list of things to worry about. Since you don’t have anyone with you to have your back, thinking about you safety can also make you rethink about travelling solo.

There are many things to keep you in your safety zone when you are travelling. You will also find out real quick that solo travel, once you decide to push through your fears around it, brings amazing experiences and confidence. Here are some of my top ways to stay safe when solo travelling.

Stay in town

When you are choosing your accommodation, make sure you choose somewhere that is in town. It may cost a bit more to be right in centre of things, but it is well worth it. This way you don’t have far to go to get back to your accommodation with everything at your fingertips. It will cut down on spending time on transit or in taxi’s or Uber’s at night trying to get home after your evening is over.  Not only will this make you feel safer but it will save you a bunch of time travelling back and forth into town.

Be aware of your drinking

Now it is totally acceptable and enjoyable to have some drinks while you are on holiday. You do want to make sure you know what your limit is though. Since drinking slows your reactions and dulls your senses you want to take extra care when, where and how much you are drinking. You want to be able to avoid getting anything stolen off you with your senses relaxed, get home safe, and not feel unwell through your trip.

Buy travel insurance

It always amazes me how many people don’t think this is essential. It gives you instant peace of mind should anything go wrong with your health, your baggage, or documents. If something happens you have a number that you can call and get help and have access to information you might not otherwise know how to get.

I have had to claim on my insurance a few times, for illness as well as stolen bags, and lost passport. When you do get insurance, make sure you go with a reputable company with good reviews. I have heard many times people who took out insurance with not great companies, but were very inexpensive, and had a very hard time trying to get their legitimate claims to go through.

Have a regular check-in

You want to have someone at home to be able to check in with them while you are away. Before you leave give them your travel plans and locations and check in with them either by calling or sending messages to them either daily or every other day. This way you know that someone knows where you are or where you are suppose to be. This way if they don’t hear from you in awhile, they can raise the flag and investigate where you are. 

Now if you don’t have someone that you can contact on a regular basis while you are away, we have a service where we are that person for you. Our safety check-in does exactly what a friend would do. We get all your information before you leave, discuss our messaging service and we send you a message daily while you are away to keep in contact. If we don’t hear from you, we investigate further to locate you.  You can find more about this service, which is one of my favourite services we offer for as solo traveler, here.

Need more advice for heading out as a solo traveler?

Check out our 6 part series Solo Traveling: How To Save Money for more great tips and tricks for solo adventurers. Get help with trip planning, finding flights and accommodations, and getting around. This 6 part series will have you flying solo with confidence and saving money at the same time.

We also offer a a course to help you find your way around your destination. The Courageous Explorer will get you on the move as a solo traveler using Google Maps like a pro.

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The most dangerous encounter on my travels – Launch Your Travelsreply
May 26, 2020 at 4:51 pm

[…] what it really is like out there and I can tell you a thousand times over that travelling, either solo or with others, will restore your faith in humanity. There have been more times where I got help […]

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