
Top tips for protecting your tech privacy when you travel

Bringing your smart phone, tablet, or laptop with you when you travel? You may want to go through any photos, files and email accounts that you have links to on these devices in order to protect your privacy.

Go through your files and images prior to leaving and only keep on there items you have no problem sharing with anyone else. If you have things on your devices that you don’t want others looking at you want to make sure that these things are removed off the device. Save them onto an external hard drive or another device you are not taking with you. It would be a good idea to clear your history as well, just incase.

Need help keeping your privacy secure while traveling?

Here is a great article on securely deleting files on an Android device or and I phone.

Border agents have the right to get your passwords and go through your devices and look at anything you have on there, this go for countries outside of North America as well. If you do refuse to allow them access, they have the power to decline you access to enter their country and return you back home.

So keep your information safe and clean while you are travelling outside your home country.

Want more technology tips to use while travelling?

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