lose your passport, travel documents

What You Need To Do If You Lose Your Passport

Do you know what to do if you lose your passport while abroad on a trip? I’m going to explain to you what you need to do to get you back on track if you lose your passport on your travels. 

I have a little experience on this. I got my passport stolen in Mongolia. I had to go through the whole process and as much as it was a pain in the butt, it will turn out fine. These things happen and there are steps in place to help you out, but you want to make sure you know a few things first. I was unaware of some things, even though it worked out, it would have been an easier process if I knew those things.

First thing to do when you lose your passport

First, you want to ensure that your passport is indeed lost or stolen. Once you have determined that it is completely gone, you want to call your consulate in the country that you’re in. If you don’t have this number, you can easily Google it. If you are in France, you want to Google “Canadian consulate in France”.  The information will come up and you just choose the consulate that is close to you. Most of the time there’s just one, sometimes there’s none and you have to go to a different consulate but it will tell you where you need to go.

When you call the consulate, let them know that your passport is lost or stolen. They will then walk you through everything that needs to get done. When you lose your passport there are a number of different options. It depends on what your future travel plans are, when you’re planning on leaving the country and a few other things. Tell them everything and they’ll walk you through your next steps and what you need to get done. 

You’ll have a whole list of things to get done. First you’ll have to fill out a new application for a new passport. Now if you remember filling out your passport application the first time, you know what a pain in the butt it is. It’s a huge application and there are certain things you need to have included.

You’re going to need to get new passport photos. You’ll need to find a place to take passport photos and make sure they cut them in the correct dimensions. These will be attached to your application form and brought to the consulate. 

This is where it can get tricky. You will need to have someone at home bring your birth certificate to your consulate or embassy. This has to be done in person and they will not accept copies. I don’t recommend traveling with your birth certificate but you need to make sure you know where it is at your home so someone you trust knows where it is and they can bring it to the consulate in your hometown.

Second thing to do when you lose your passport

Next, you’ll need to have three people who can verify who you are. These people will need to be available so the consulate can get in contact with them. For Canadians these people need to have known you for between at least two or five years and are not relatives. The consulate will contact them all and ask questions about you. They’re gonna ask questions like what color is their hair? What color eyes? Where does she live? What’s her address? So those types of questions. And they’ll need to have to answer those, or at least very close to. 

Next, you’ll need to pay for a guarantor, someone to sign off that you are who you say you are. When you’re at home you usually have someone to sign off on your paperwork. When you’re abroad you’ll have to pay someone to do this for you now. The consulate will help you sort this out.

Last but not least

On top of these things you’re gonna have to figure out your flights. You may have to change your flights depending on how long it is going to take. Sometimes they can issue a temporary passport and other times it’s a travel certificate. It just depends on what your future travels are and how quickly you’re going to need it. 

Not all consulates create passports so they send them out, which was what happened to me in Mongolia. All my paperwork had to be sent to Beijing. This added a lot more time in how long it took to get my document. Just to keep in contact with your consulate contact for updates.

When you lose your passport and first inform your consulate about it they will most likely put your passport on hold for a time, just in case it gets turned in. After this waiting period they will then start the application process. 

If you are not in the city where the consulate is, you’ll have to make your way to that city because they will have to see you in person. When you lose your passport you’ll have to sign some forms confirming your passport is indeed lost or stolen. Bring any picture ID that you have with you when you first go to the consulate. 

I would recommend carrying a couple of different pieces of picture ID and don’t carry them all in one place. Spread these ID’s out: leave one in your hotel room, in your luggage, one in your purse and one in your wallet, depending on how many pieces you have. This way you actually have one piece of a photo ID. Also bring the photo copies of your ID as well. You should carry a photocopy of your passport, your driver’s license, and any other picture ID. I also keep these copies on my phone. 

If you lose your passport it is not the end of the world, but just a big pain in the butt.  

When you are ready to start planning your new trip abroad, make sure you have a copy of my Free Travel Checklist to ensure nothing goes wrong. It contains the 10 things you Must do before taking your dream trip. Grab it here so you are ready to plan.

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