Do you need a lady funnel on your travels
Are you female and taking an adventure where there’s not going to be very many toilets, or the toilets are not your cup of tea? You need to discover the lady funnel. I’m going to tell you about my experience with one of these female urine devices and explain the ups and downs of using one.
When I first started traveling to different countries that had squat toilets or I knew I was going to go on trekking adventures where there were seldom toilets around when you needed one I started to freak out a bit on how I was going to deal with going to the bathroom. I knew I was not good with popping a squat to pee, and I never had any experience using a squat toilet.
This is when I started looking for something that could help me out with it. And that brings me to the Go Girl lady funnel. There are a number of different lady funnel products that are similar, the Shewee and Go Girl are the most well known.
These lady funnels allow you to pee standing up just like a guy. Now, I’ve had good and bad experiences after using it a few times, and then I just learned how to pee squatting, as it just became a lot easier once I knew how.
If you are anything like me, where you don’t have to pee until your bladder is completely full or you wait until the last second to actually pee and you need to pee like a racehorse, this may not be the one for you. The problem with the lady funnel is that the funnel does not drain fast enough because it’s got like a little tip (at least the one I have). So then you end up peeing all over your hand, which is not ideal. Thank god for handy wipes, no seriously, they’re great.
If you: Then this can be a super handy device to bring with you. But if those are going to be a problem for you, I really would say learn how to squat pee. I will be doing another blog/video to show you how to use squat toilets so make sure you watch out for that. It is a really cool invention for so many women. I think practice makes perfect and also getting the right size for you. There are flexible silicone ones (the one I have is one) or there are hard plastic ones. Both have their pros and cons. On the whole though, I think it is so much easier just to squat and pee because then you don’t have to worry about cleaning a device or make sure it’s sanitized or accidentally peeing on your hand & clothes. So with that I do and I don’t recommend purchasing a lady funnel. It will all depend on what you’re going to be using it for and how you pee. Happy Travels! Are you thinking about taking a trip in the near future? Covid-19 can make things a little more confusing now. Make sure you get your free copy of our Travel During Covid-19 Guide to ensure you are fully prepared for your trip.
You really have to understand how it works and what to do with it. Something that I didn’t do, but I highly recommend you try it at home first, like in the shower, to see how you like it and how to use it. Everyone is always super curious about what it looks like and how you use it when you talk about it on your travels. Basically, it’s just a plastic funnel. When you pee, you just put the funnel under you and you pee down the chute. Now this is great sometimes, but not great for others. And it depends on how you pee really.
A. Can control the speed of your pee
B. If you don’t pee super fast
C. You don’t wait to release your whole bladder