candid photos

The number one way to get better candid photos of people on your travels

Scenic landscapes and city view photos are great, but to really give your travel photos more depth, try adding in some candid photos of people. Now I am not just talking about photos of you or your travelling companions while on holiday, which you must do as well, but of locals.

These types of candid photos are the hardest for most people to get.  It does take some practice, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.  If you see a great scene on the street with some locals, yes, you can take a photo with your telephoto lens. But to really get the story of the atmosphere of the area you are in, try getting closer.

When taking candid photos of people you don’t know, you have to respect that not everyone likes having their photo taken. Get up closer, and as long as it doesn’t compromise the image you want to take, make eye contact with the person and hold your camera up. This, in not so many words, asks if it is ok if you take a photo of them.  As long as they don’t wave you off, go ahead and take the photo.  If they decline having their photo taken, respect that and move on. You wouldn’t want someone taking your photo when you didn’t want them to, so be a good human and respect others wishes as well.

The number one thing you can do to get people photos, and good ones at that, is to smile. When you are behind the camera, and a little nervous about taking people photos, it can turn most people serious. If the photographer is serious, it can make the person in front of the camera nervous and uncomfortable.  Whereas if you are laughing and smiling it brings out the ease and agreeability of your subject.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you decide to add in local people photos into your travel photos. 

Want even more great tips like how to take candid photos of people before your next trip?

Sign up now for our ‘Art of Travel Photography’ course today so you can practice all the new skills before embarking on your next travel adventure. Learn the secrets professional photographers use to create amazing travel photos. We focus on camera phones and tablets, but a lot of the course teaches you techniques that are useful for any camera you may use.

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