How to overcome travel app confusion

How to Overcome Travel App Confusion

There are an overwhelming amount of apps out there for travel. Part of the difficulty in selecting a travel app is that some you don’t think they would be for travel and some are geared only to travel. So how do you know which travel app to pay attention to, which ones to try and which ones to ignore?

We realized that this was a big issue since we were also having the same overwhelming feeling when looking at all the travel apps out there. Then we saw our clients continuing to ask about apps and how to use them and which ones matter most. So we decided to produce and launch our Essential Travel Apps Mini Courses. These courses show you step by step on how to use our top three essential travel apps that will be most useful when travelling.

The finishing touches are currently being put all on these courses, which can be purchased separately or in a bundle of all three for great savings. To make it easy to learn we found it essential to go slowly over all the basics of using these apps, the tips and tricks we learned as well as explain why they are part of our essentials when we travel.

We are excited to announce our Essential Travel Apps Mini Courses in the following apps:

Google Maps

There is so much more than just driving directions. It is also an invaluable tool when planning your trip.

Google Translate

This one will blow your mind on all the things you can manage in a country where English is not their first language. Relieving your foreign language fears.

Ride Sharing

We learn on Uber since all ride sharing are set up the same and because Uber is the most widely available ride sharing app. The benefits of using this while travelling are numerous.

These courses will be live at the beginning of March, along with a number of resources to compliment each program, but you can pre-register now to learn the secrets to travel success. To find out more information about these courses, head over to our programs page here.

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