perfect photo

How to get THAT perfect photo on your travels

No, no I am not talking about a vaccination you need to get, I am talking about that image that will represent your trip. Capturing the ever elusive perfect photo on your trip can be difficult. There are always a few photos from the hundreds or thousands you will take when travelling that makes you go “THAT’S IT, I GOT IT!”

Because the perfect photo will be different for everyone, it could be a fleeting moment street photo or one you worked at. I am going to be talking to the “one you worked at”. There are two tricks that you can do to make you get the best possible photo.

1. Make sure you view your subject from all different angles, all different points of view. Physically walk around the whole area of your subject. Where you arrived to view your subject, may not be the best view point…get out there and move around. Also take into account different areas of view.

If it is a large landmark view it from a boat tour, walk to it, from up above, from different neighbourhoods. Be willing to move to get that perfect photo.

2. If you hope to score that perfect photo, come back to this same place at all different times. The atmosphere, the feel, the look and the shots you will get will all be so different.  Go at busy times, at quiet times, at sunrise, at sunset, the middle of the day, on a rainy day…etc. You get the point….

Now you are probably thinking, “um, well I am only here for 1 or 2 days, how should I come back to one place and see it again and again when there is so much else to see!?” I get it, you don’t know if you will be back here again and so you want to take in as much as possible. But you can still do this while seeing other things. You don’t have to go back 10 different times, but just work it into your schedule.

If you took your first images there at midday, get up early and go at sunrise the next morning before you head out for the day. This way you hit two birds with one stone, sunrise and quiet time. You can also swing by the place on your way back to your accommodation or dinner. It doesn’t have to be a long time, but give yourself longer than 5 minutes to really wait for that shot.

If you put this into practice I have no doubt your images will come back that one notch above your last trip. The more you practice doing this, the easier it become to weave this type of shooting into your trip.

Want more help getting that perfect photo?

Our course, The Art of Photography will have you scoring that perfect photo on your next trip. There hasn’t been a better time to learn photography than now. With just the camera on your phone, you can take beautiful images that weren’t possible without a big camera before. Having the unlimited ability to try different things and get immediate feedback has made the learning curve that much faster once you know the things you should be implementing.

We will cover how to take landscapes, cityscapes, people and food images, among others. Take away top tips on how to take good photos from any situation while learning the tools professionals use to make their images stand out from the crowd. Learn how to create a story about your travels with your photographs and how to make this something people will want to look at. Sign up now so you can start practicing and implementing all the advice we give you before you start travelling.

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