how to get around, Travel Transportation Tips

Easy tips on how to get around using local transportation

When you arrive to a new place, it might be difficult to figure out how to get around. You will need to use the local transportation since walking everywhere is not ideal…even though I try it sometimes, yes, I can be THAT person! LOL  There are a few things that you should know before you go.

Have small denominations of the local currency. Make sure you have this when you first arrive as well as anytime you plan on using other modes of transportation. One important tip for how to get around in a new place is that sometimes on public transportation, you can only use exact change or just change. With taxi’s this can be a scam if you only have larger bills.  They can tell you they have no change after you have arrived. This way you are stuck on giving them a lot more than what the ride was worth.

Before you take your flight, you want to contact your accommodation and ask them how much a taxi will typically cost from the airport. This will give you a good idea on how much you should be charged. Knowing how to get from the airport to your accommodation is usually the first step of learning how to get around in your destination using local transportation.

This will also let you know how much you need to haggle if you are in a country where this is done. Always haggle before you get in and accept your ride! You can also sometimes find this information on the destination’s airport website.  If you are planning on using a taxi type ride, ask your accommodation how much it should be to get to where you are going. Once you have an idea on how much different places will cost you can be more confident in what you should be paying.

This next tip is mostly for women, but can be a good rule of thumb for everyone. When you are in a taxi or a ride sharing type ride, don’t sit up front with the driver. Unless you are travelling with other people, this can possibly be an issue for any harassment or robberies. 

Map out your ride. Before going somewhere, plug into Google Maps where you are going and press go. Even if you don’t have any cell service, Google Maps will still track your progress as long as you don’t shut it off. Turn the sound off so you can watch it silently as you go. This will give you peace of mind that you are heading in the right direction, even if they don’t go the exact route you have.

Keep these tips in mind when you are in a new country and feel a lot more relaxed and prepared for different situations.

Need additional advice on how to get around by local transit in a new destination?

We offer a comprehensive course on how to use Google Maps to find your way when in unfamiliar settings. Travel like a pro with the lessons learned from our How to use Google Maps for Travel course. This course will teach you to start using the Google Maps app and how to effectively plan your days.

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