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How to fill your travel spirit right while staying close to home

Most of us have ants in our pants wanting to travel far and wide, but the pandemic still has massive travel restrictions going on. In my opinion, I don’t think it is worth the risk to travel leisurely outside of our own countries currently, but everyone will have their own risk assessment.

One thing, though, we can all agree on is one of the best things about travel is the food. Food is what connects a place to its culture, its way of life and its history. Trying new foods outside of our regular food lineup is one way to step outside of your box.

Since most of us will be staying closer to home this year, why don’t we use food to transport us to the locations we wish we were going to? Not only will we be trying something new, but you’ll also be helping out struggling businesses because of the lockdown. 

Depending on where you live, what restrictions there are, plus your own risk assessment, you can still accomplish doing this. Most restaurants are open for take out, delivery, dining inside and also outside dining but with different requirements to make these happen.

I want you to write out a list of places you wish you were heading to right now.

In most cities you can find a number of different types of cuisines but even if you have to go outside your city, make it into an adventure to explore different areas around you. Even if you have tried the cuisine before have a go at ordering something different or a different restaurant.

There are a number of ways to find these types of good restaurants.

1. Google “Restaurants in “x” serving “x” food” or “(type of cuisine) restaurants in (city name)”

2. Do a hashtag search on Instagram. If I was looking for Greek food in Vancouver I would try “#vancouvergreekfood” and it will come up with people who have used that hashtag and you can then see where they were, what the food looked like, and sometimes the poster will have written about the food experience.

3. Post on Facebook. Asking friends and family on Facebook for restaurant suggestions for a specific type of food will usually give you great results.

So treat yourself to some new travel food experiences while staying closer to home.  Check out what you should be baking at home in another recent article.

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