bucket list, Notre Dame, Paris

Checking off your Bucket List: What I learned with the fire at Notre Dame, Paris

It is always tragic to hear of fire, or any kind of destruction, to historic buildings, artwork or monuments. When the fire broke out at Notre Dame in Paris, I didn’t hear about it straight away. I was not near a TV, or on social media at the time. I had a few friends message me to alert me to what was going on. 

My heart sunk. My initial thought was…“OMG, I feel so bad for all the people out there that had this place on their bucket list. They now will not get a chance to see it as it once was.” When the fire was put out, it was amazing to see the damage was not as extensive as I thought it would be while watching the footage of the fire. A lot of the works of art were saved and repairs will be done.

Macron pledged that the repairs would be done in 5 years, which many believe is unrealistic. I have a more immediate concern though. I want to get people out and seeing these things that are on their bucket list before it is too late. Fears, money, safety and time play a factor into people not going on their dream trips and seeing the things they want to see in their lifetime. All of these things can be easily solved and managed.

If you have doubts about being able to see the beauties of the world, I would love to have a discussion with you to let you know how I can help and how it is much more possible than you think. Let your FOMO (fear of missing out) fly a little and push you into your dreams…it is so worth it! You don’t want to wait for another tragic accident to happen to where you want to. Contact me here so I help you find the way.

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