How to become a travel pro before you start travelling
Travel is one of those things that the more you do it the better you get at doing it, lucky us. Yes, I know, that goes for pretty much everything, but it can require a lot more confidence to do it compared to other things when travelling independently. There are all types of travel, and…
What’s in my camera bag?
When it comes to photography gear, I am an over packer for sure! I have tried to par down my camera gear, but it’s the whole “but what if I need it for this type of shot” sort of thing. Even when I go on trips and don’t use certain items, and clearly they probably…
Street food vs. Restaurant food, what you need to know
A lot of people are very wary of eating street food, thinking it is definitely where they are going to get food poisoning. Yes, you can get food poisoning, but you can also very well get it in a restaurant too. Street Food Street food lets you know the culture of a place quickly. This…
How to fill your travel spirit right while staying close to home
Most of us have ants in our pants wanting to travel far and wide, but the pandemic still has massive travel restrictions going on. In my opinion, I don’t think it is worth the risk to travel leisurely outside of our own countries currently, but everyone will have their own risk assessment. One thing, though,…
Should you go on a tour?
As you know I am a big proponent of independent travel. I have taken tours before and some were great, some were horrible and some were just fine. I find that is the thing with tours; you don’t really know how it is truly going to turn out. There are a lot of variables that…
When you can’t travel, this is what you need to bake!
Food is such a big part of travelling. When I am unable to travel or don’t have any travel plans, I love to bake something up from another country to make me feel like I am transported there. I am always drawn to the sweet side of food, I inherited my sweet tooth from both…
Do you have what it takes to travel independently?
First off, lets get the definition right. Independent travel does not mean solo travel, it can, but it is not exclusive. You can travel with your family, your friends or your partner, but the term independent travel means taking control of your trip to plan and customize it to exactly what you want to experience.…
What to read this summer
Since we will be staying closer to home this year, there will be more guilt free time to just sit back and read a book. I am very particular with my books and if they don’t grab me from the start, it doesn’t get opened again. I like a good fast light fiction read, and…
Travel Insurance: What You Need to Know
Travel insurance is one of those things that I don’t leave home without. It always amazes me when I talk to people who don’t use travel insurance when they travel. I think in light of what has happened with the pandemic and seeing first hand what people did lose, or could have lost is a…
6 ideas for creating your travel journal
There are so many ways to keep a travel journal. I always have images of writing in a beautiful notebook, adding in some drawings, using colourful pencils, maybe a little watercolour painting that I do of the landscape…man, the thought of this journal is so dreamy!! You know what though? I have yet to ever…
Why you should keep a travel journal
Keeping a travel journal is something that I always have good intentions to do and think, “I should write about my trip this time.” I then look on Pinterest and see the cool and impressive things people are doing with their travel journals and go, “Good God that is a lot of work!” Feeling a…