group travel

Advantages of Group Travel

In the last blog, I wrote about the advantages of travelling solo. While there are a lot of strong points for solo travel, there are just as many advantages to group travel.  I do truly believe that taking different types of trips throughout your life brings such a wonderful overview of the world, the people you share those experiences with as well finding your most favourable way to travel.

Firstly, and I think the most obvious one, when travelling with someone else there is a cost saving. With group travel, there is no single supplement (even though these are slowly lightening up or disappearing on some things all together). If you choose group travel, you can split meals and accommodations are shared. You can also share toiletries. Not having to carry everything yourself so you can use a smaller bag, or just a carry on so there are no extra costs on the flights with your bags.

Secondly, you get a partner in crime. If you get turned around, you have someone with you that you can then put your heads together and figure things out without feeling nervous. You don’t feel awkward going to restaurants on your own, you can have some drinks out without feeling that you should be more on guard. There is someone to watch your bags at the airport and train station when you need to go to the bathroom, or just want to wander without having to lug you stuff with you. You also have someone to share all the wonderful experiences with.

Lastly, and one that most people don’t think about, is you cut down on your decision fatigue. This is a very real thing. When you travel with someone else you can each take turns making decisions…and there are a lot of everyday decisions you make when you travel. Where to eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner), what should we do today, where should we go, should we turn left or right, should I buy this…and the list goes on.

These decisions you make while you travel don’t even include all the decisions you had to make even before you left. Should I buy my flight now, where should I stay, what area should I stay in, where should I go, when should I go. Having someone to help with all these things makes for a less brain exhausting time, as long as you both are willing to make decisions.

When I travel solo, I do miss being able to share what I am experiencing with someone I know and care about. And sometimes when I am travelling with others I do miss having my alone time. One thing you want to be sure of when you are travelling with others is that you are compatible travelling and spending a lot of time together. You can be great friends, but terrible travel mates. Choose who you travel with wisely and you will have an amazing experience.

Want help planning a trip with friends or family so you can experience the benefits of group travel?

Book a Consultation Call with Jen today and she will help you plan the perfect group travel experience. Jen has been there, done that, and she wants to give you the right advice and options so you can ultimately make the best decision for your trip. With her knowledge and guidance she can help you with all your questions, concerns, planning and destination advice.

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