solo female traveler, solo female travel

Staying Safe as a Solo Female Traveler

More and more women are heading out on their own to see the world as a solo female traveler. None of this waiting around for someone else to have the same time off, or the same travel goals. We are heading out and taking the world by storm.  We all may look fearless and adventurous and badass, but below the surface there are different fears swirling around in our heads.

I traveled solo once for 15 months and a second time for 10 months. As a solo female traveler, both were scary and exciting at the same time. Safety is always a concern for anyone going somewhere new when they are on their own. These are a few strategies I used and some I picked up while travelling to calm my safety fears.

Solo Female Traveler Tips:

  1. know the area you are going to and how to get to your accommodation.
  2. Whenever possible arrive at your destination during daylight hours
  3. Be prepared; take a self-defense course before you leave. I have taken multiple classes through my life. They are great for showing you how to defend yourself and when to walk away, and give you confidence. It is rare for something to happen, but if it does you will be prepared.

4. Be aware of your alcohol intake. Tipsy girl all alone makes for a great target.

5. Be aware of scams. Find out what scams are known in the area you are going.

6. Keep your head up. When you look confident, with your head up, and walking strong you do not look like a target.

7. Be observant. Look around you, know where you are, and know how to get back.

8. Know how to say no confidently. Even if it is something innocent sounding, if you get a warning feeling in your gut, say no.

9. Listen to your gut. Truly, your gut is always right. Our heads and hearts try to tell us differently sometimes, but you gut is always right. If something feels off, leave, say no, or make excuses.

10. Have someone at home that you check in with either every day or every other day so someone knows where you are and what your plans are.

11. If concerned, leave a note in your hotel room of what your plans are for the day, so if something does happen, people know the area you should be. I have done this when I go on walks or hikes. I will leave notes in my car on the seat describing what trail I am going on, what time I left, what time I plan to be back, where I am staying, a contact number for me.

There are so many tricks and ideas on how to stay safe when travelling as a solo female that this list could go on forever. I hope these 11 give you a good base to calm your fears of travelling solo. More often than not, you will see how you don’t need to be fearful as most people are wanting to help you than not. The people of the world really are wonderful people. Travelling solo gives you such amazing confidence and power that you can tackle anything head on. Happy travels.

Want to feel confident as a solo female traveler?

The team at Launch Your Travels wants you to feel safe when traveling. Feel confident in your ability to navigate in unknown cities. Learn how to get around in new destinations with Google Maps, how to easily navigate locations where English is not widely spoken using Google Translate, and know how to use a new option of transportation using ride sharing. The Ninja Travel Bundle will have you ride sharing on your travels with confidence in no time.

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