solo travel

Advantages to Solo Travel

Most people don’t necessarily think about solo travel. It is not the “normal” thing done, but the times have been changing and people’s lives are so different than they used to be. Solo travel is starting to become a much bigger piece of the travel pie.  I want to give you a few great reasons as to why travelling solo should be something that you consider.

First of all, with solo travel, you don’t need to compromise. If you want to go somewhere or do something, you don’t have to run it past anyone else before it is agreed upon. You can spend the whole day just sitting in a café watching the world go by, or you can rush from place to place to see all that you can. The choice is yours alone with solo travel.

Secondly, you don’t have to wait for someone else’s schedule to free up and sync with yours to go on a trip. If you want to leave next week or next year, you can. Planning a trip with one or many can also often lead to one main person pulling everything together only to come closer to the time where some or all drop out of going, leaving you disappointed and frustrated.

Lastly…and my favourite reason of all for solo travel, is the confidence and empowerment you feel when you travel on your own. When you haven’t traveled on your own, you have no idea how powerful this is…you will be blown away.  We are all capable of doing this. Proving it to yourself by actually doing it, gives you a different swagger to your step, a different confidence to your walk and an ease to your life. You learn that you actually can do a lot more than you thought. You can troubleshoot everything, and you can really enjoy your own company.

Even if you don’t want to be alone for the whole trip, you get to decide when and who you talk to, you are more open to meeting and talking to new people and you can join day tours and other events when you want to be around more people.

I’m not saying that you don’t miss some things when you’re not with people you know, but I think there is room for all different types of travel in your life. You should definitely make sure you solo travel once in your life.

Want help learning how to plan your first solo travel adventure?

Launch Your Travels offers meetings with Jen to get you traveling solo with confidence. With her one-on-one training service, we can discuss anything you need help with so you feel confident when traveling solo.

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