How to decide when to travel

We all know that travelling during the popular times (high seasons) in places jacks up the prices as well as the amount of people you will be sharing your travel experiences with. All of us in the know want to eliminate this as much as we can, and with age comes flexibility. With having accumulated longer vacation time, kids now adults, and being retired this all gives you so many more options of when to travel.

One thing we know to do here in North America is to avoid travelling during the school holidays when we can. When selecting when to travel, this is a great way to cut down on costs and other tourists, but there is one thing that we don’t tend to remember.

Not all school holidays around the world are the same as they are in North America. Heck even in North America there are different school holidays. So a small trick is to make sure you check when school holidays are in the places you are travelling to.  To find this out, a simple Google search will do. Search “what are the school holidays for 2019 in __________” inserting the country you are going to.  This little trick could save you unknown higher travel costs. 

For more great tips and tricks like deciding when to travel, check out our travel courses!

To help you start to planning your trip I encourage you to check out the “Planning the Perfect Trip” course so you get off on the right foot.

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