Best travel season

Why this is my favourite travel season

Everyone has a preferred time to take off, escape the everyday and travel somewhere. Even though I could do this any time of the year…is there ever a bad time to travel (except during a pandemic!), there are certain times that I really do prefer to travel.

One thing you should take into consideration is not only the time of year that it is at your home, but also the time of year it is at the destination you are going to. Since all places are better at a certain time of year, you can’t pick “fall” for everywhere. Fall is my favourite time of year, but it is only a great time to travel to certain places. So instead of picking a time of year to travel, you want to pick decide the “travel season description” of the time of year.

There are three different travel seasons for most places and some places only have two travel season a year. You have, high season, low season and shoulder season. You can also have rainy season and dry season for other places.

My favourite time to travel is definitely shoulder season. The shoulder season falls in between the high and low seasons. They are generally about two months long on either side. Some of the reasons to travel during this time are:


The prices during this travel season will be mid range. Not as expensive as high season and not as low as low season. Now the prices that do change will be the flights and accommodations, which are your two biggest expenses. Pretty much everything else will stay the same. If you like to shop, you could hit some sales at these times as well.

Fewer tourists

Since you are not at the height of travel, not being herded and surrounded by so many other tourists is something that is very desirable at this time. Not only will you not feel so crowded but you’ll also get better service in places because they are not constantly overrun with tourists.  You’ll tend to feel more like a local since you can take your time and not rush from place to place trying to beat lines, or bad weather.


Again this is the middle of the range in terms of weather, but I do like it. Some places in high season get very warm or humid and that doesn’t always make for an enjoyable time exploring. In the low season, you have a much better chance for poor weather. In the shoulder travel season you could get a mixed bag of weather or you could hit it and get great weather. You just want to make sure you pack or pick up different items at your destination if it does take a turn for the worse.

Every travel season does have their own pros and cons. You want to make sure you know both sides of the coin when you decide what ‘season” you want to travel during. Sometimes you may not have a choice in when you can travel, so you may want to pick your destination determined by what “season” it is in the destination options you have.

When you do have your trip all planned, you’ll want to make sure you come home with some great photos to remember your trip by. Check out my article on How to find photo locations on your trip, and if you want to up your photography game, check out my photography course, Take Epic Travel Photos. No matter what your photography level, I break down each section so you know exactly how to come home with Amazing photos.

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