travel questions, Launch Your Travels

Your top travel questions answered

I often get a number of travel questions.  Nerves abound when you start planning a trip or when you are even just thinking about planning an independent trip if you’ve never done so before.

Being able to be reassured what it is like, if you are “doing it right” or just needing to calm down those fears when they rear their ugly faces.

I thought I would answer two of my most often asked travel questions here. Do you have a travel question that you want answered? Put it in the comments below, or email me and I’ll make sure I answer you.

How do you afford to travel?

I, unfortunately, do not have a stockpile of money or have received any inheritance so I save my money. I keep a trip bank account that I use to put my savings in. I put the leftover money at the end of the month in there plus any extra money I get I’ll also stick it in there. I make sure that the savings account I use does not allow for direct debit, so it is a pain in the butt to get money out. This way I am not tempted to use this money for other things.

I took that logic with me throughout my travels, that if I hated it, I could move to a new place, or just book my ticket home.  Knowing that nothing is forever really helped me.

If you are travelling with others, it does become easier to be comfortable since you will have them to lean on and help make decisions. When I had met up with other travelers and I was looking for my accommodations or taking a train I felt much calmer knowing someone was with me. Even though when I was alone more jitters came out doing these same tasks, I would ultimately figure it out and my confidence rose a few more notches.

I really think that travel questions around mindset is something that is not discussed enough if you want to do any independent travel, solo or not. I am actually creating a course on how to find your travel mindset and the tools and strategies to use. Let me know in the comments if this is something you would be interested in.

The more we share our experiences and ask travel questions it will help other people gain the courage, find different ways to save money, and be able to create their own dream trips and experiences. If you want help on how to plan your trip, make sure you get your free Vacation Blueprint Starter Kit.

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