call home for free, Launch Your Travels

How to call home for free when traveling

When you are on your trip and you want to call home, touch base or share your adventure with loved ones at home you don’t want to do this at a huge expense. I would rather you spend that money on new experiences and food on your trip!

One of the best things about technology is being able to call home for free. Keeping in touch has never been more easy and inexpensive than it is now. I am sure most people have become more familiar with connecting with each other from a distance during the pandemic, but you may not know the different ways this can be done without the need of a phone number.

To call home for free, you will need to have your own smart phone or tablet as well as Internet. These can all be used through wifi so you don’t need to use the data on your phone or to purchase a local sim card.

You can find free wifi 95% of the time at your accommodations, just ask for the password. You will also be able to find free wifi out and about too…some cities have citywide free wifi, most restaurants and café’s have free wifi for patrons you just need to ask for the password again. Some shops and fast food places will have free wifi…you can usually count on McDonalds and Starbucks to have this in a pinch. Then you can also just open your wifi control and see where there is unlocked wifi signals and try them out to see if you can connect without a password.

No matter when and where you want to talk you will be able to find somewhere to connect for free with a little planning.

check out this article I wrote about it.

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