How to avoid being pickpocketed, busy with people airport

How to Avoid Being Pickpocketed

Pickpocketing is a way of life for many people around the world. It truly is an art, albeit a down and dirty one. For travellers and locals alike, being pickpocketed sucks ass. The last thing you want to deal with on your holiday is filing a police report, calling your credit card companies and figuring out what can be claimed on your travel insurance.

Let’s get your travels off to a good note with these simple tips to avoid being pickpocketed.

Have a purse with a zipper

I am always amazed at the amount of women who carry around a purse that does not have a proper closure. Yes, there are some very stylish bags out there that do not have zippers, but leave those for scooting around at home.

You are more easily distracted when you are travelling as everything is new to you, so when you are picking out your purse for your trip make sure it has a full zipper closure and insure you use it all the time.

Carry your purse the correct way

Yes, there is a correct way to carry your purse, or maybe I should say, a better way to carry it to avoid being pickpocketed. Since you are using a purse with a zipper closure, right ;), you want to make sure you have the closed zipper face the front of you instead of the back of you. This way you can see if someone is trying to unzip your purse.

Put a small deterrent on your backpack

I like to put a little deterrent on my backpack since we don’t have eyes in the back of our head…even though moms across the world would like us to think that! Ha

I make sure that my backpack has double zipper and then I use a small cable twist to tie them together.

Yes, pickpockets can still untie it, but thieves are more likely to move on to an easier target than try and untie it. I don’t use a mini lock, because then that just makes getting in and out of my own bag a pain in the butt. I still want ease of use, but also a small deterrent.

Use the rubber band method

Men, and some women, who prefer to carry their wallet in their pocket, there is also a small deterrent you can use. First you want to only be carrying what you need for the day in your wallet. You may want to purchase a smaller wallet for your travels if you are use to carrying a number of cards with you.

Now with your wallet you want to have a thick rubber band and wrap it around your wallet then put it in your pocket. The rubber band makes it harder for your wallet to be easily slipped out of your pocket. This will either create a tugging that you may feel and stop the pickpocketer, or the would be thief will not try slipping it out and move on to someone else.

Men, carry your wallet in a front pocket

Yes, I know this is not normal and can be a pain, but what would you rather? If you insist on carrying your wallet in your pocket, try carrying it in a front pocket instead as this will be the best deterrent to pickpocketers.

Be aware of crowded areas

No matter what you carry your wallet, phone, and camera in you want to be more diligent in crowded areas. These areas include subways, metros, public transit, tourist attractions, festivals and the likes. If it is busy I will wear my backpack on my front, if carrying a purse I will swing it to the front of me and hold on to it, and if you’re carrying your wallet in your back pocket, switch it to the front pocket while in these areas.

I would rather be safe than sorry. I have seen incredible videos and also witnessed first hand of how “talented” these thieves are. You won’t even know it is gone until you go to look for your stuff. So be diligent and aware, but also don’t let the thought of being pickpocketed consume your trip. More often than not you will not get pickpocketed, and if you use these tips here, you’ll have even less of a chance of it happening.

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The most dangerous encounter on my travels – Launch Your Travelsreply
May 26, 2020 at 4:51 pm

[…] to let your guard down and trust people, since we are so conditioned to see how people are out to scam you, or take advantage, or have ulterior motivations, but when you do let your guard down and learn to […]

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