Travel Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips for Travelling

Many of you may not know this about me, but in a past career I was a makeup artist. I don’t wear a ton of make-up, so i might not be the first person to come to mind when you hear beauty tips. I like the no makeup look that just enhances your natural beauty.

When you are travelling it is a struggle to not bring everything from home that you normally use and not have your bag weigh a ton. Products are heavy items to carry. The thing is though, we still want to feel and look beautiful while we are exploring a new place. Read on to find beauty tips to keep you looking your best on your next adventure.

It is hard when you are in a warm place with humidity and you wear makeup as the makeup will just slide off with your sweat. When I am in a hot place: I tend to not wear much makeup at all…I go for sunscreen, mascara, some bronzer/highlighter and something on my lips.

When travelling I like to use multi-use items to help with the weight and space. I still always take way too much. For people that don’t wear makeup, this list will seem excessive! LOL

What I Bring:

  • Tinted moisturizer with a sunscreen built in is a go to for me.
  • Powder compact, one that is small and thin. I will tend to only use this when I am not in a humid place, as it is pointless when you walk outside in humidity.
  • Mascara, either smudge proof or waterproof, when you are in a hot place so it doesn’t smudge or leave residue when sweating. Drugstore brands are all you need.
  • Bronzer…I’m a powder bronzer person (I also will use this in place of blush) but you can also use a cream.
  • Highlighter, I use a very small light pot as you don’t need much. I can use this in place of blush too as well as to make me have a little glow.
  • I use Carmex lip balm. I find it is the best when your lips are chapped and it also has a built in sunscreen.
  • I bring either lipstick or lip gloss, depending on what I’m into at that time. FYI: Lip gloss is considered a liquid if you take it in you carry on.
  • I also bring a small pallet of 4 eye shadows that works for both shadow and eye liner.
  • I also always carry a pot of coconut oil. I use this for everything, body moisturizer, face moisturizer at night, and hair oil.

Beauty Tips:

One thing I do like to do when I go to new places is to pick up some new makeup/ beauty products. They usually always have different brands that we don’t have at home. I love trying new ones and finding items that are better than what we have at home.

Picking up items in the place you are is also a great way to save space and weight in your luggage while trying new things. When you head home you only have to take what you liked with you.  I really do encourage you to try new products while away, head into pharmacies, or different shops and see what you can find.

Beauty is everywhere in the world and women use products to enhance their beauty in all places, so seek out what they use and try something new that you can fall in love with. Maybe pick up some beauty tips from the locals.

Need some help planning a get away to try out all these great travel beauty tips? Contact us and we can help plan a custom travel experience just for you.

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