Organizing tips for travel planning

Top 3 Organizing Tips For Travel Planning – A Quick Guide

When you start planning your trip one thing you want to do above most is to be organized. There is nothing worse than not knowing where you put your notes, having tickets sent to all different emails, or not being able to remember what else you need to do. Organized travel does not have to be hard or tedious. When you have a system of how you are going to track everything, it all becomes so much easier and less stressful. I have 3 organizing tips for travel planning for you.

There are certain programs that I use to keep me organized when travel planning. 

My first of the organizing tips for travel planning is to use Google Drive. Now you may have heard of this, and some of you may be using it in your daily life already but if not, I highly recommend it. All you need to do is set up a Google Account, which you can use any email address, and that will give you access to everything you need. In Google Drive, I use Google Docs, like Word, and Google Sheets, like Excel, the most for organizing travel.

The reason to use this instead of say Word is that they are kept in the cloud. You can access them anywhere on any device, you just need to login. If you are travelling with others, you can also share the document with everyone and they can all contribute to it in real time. 

I would recommend that you create a new document for each city you are planning on staying in, so that everything stays organized for your travels. You can also create a folder to put all of the separate documents into it so you know exactly where to find it all.

My second of the organizing tips for travel planning is to use Google Maps. With your same account you signed into for Google Drive, use that to sign into Google Maps. For this tip to be effective, you want to make sure you sign in so that you can save all your locations. 

Once you are signed in, start plugging in and saving where your accommodations are, the attractions you want to see, and the restaurants you want to try. These can be saved into folders, you create, keeping things even more organized. Having this all mapped out before you leave, will let you locate these things with just a press of a button instead of looking everything up each time. If you would like more details on how to do this on Google Maps and so much, check out my online course for it

My third of the organizing tips for travel planning is to use Pinterest. Pinterest is a really great research tool for your travels. Create boards for your trip and share them with your travel companions so they can also add to the boards. I would create one board with the year and continent you are going to. You can then add different sections within that board to keep everything more organized. I like to section out each city with boards for activities and places to eat. Check out my Pinterest page!

When you start planning your trips, give these tools a try and keep the stress levels down. The thing to remember is to not use too many things to organize. Find what works for you and stick with that for each trip, your brain will thank you for it. 😉 

 If you would like more tips and help in planning your trip, be sure to download your free copy of “Your Vacation Blueprint” kit that includes video instruction as well as a workbook to keep you organized. 

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